Saturday, 25 June 2016

Deshi Cha

Bangladesh is one of the major producers of tea. Malinicherra Tea Garden in Sylhet, Bangladesh was the first tea plantation in Asia and Bangalis are known for their love of tea. Most people from Indian subcontinent don't like watery English tea. Tea in Asia is a serious business. Tea stalls are our answer to Cafe and we had them long before Starbucks and the likes came along. If you ever had a cup of tea in a roadside tea-stall in Bangladesh made with ever boiling concentrated pinkish milk, you will know what I am talking about. I tried to recreate it. My tea converted a lot of non-tea-drinkers into tea-lovers. Confucius said ''it's better to have one good cup of tea than ten bad ones in a day'' (he didn't really say it but he would if he had 'deshi cha'!)

A Bangali party is not complete without tea but making tea for so many people is an isolating and arduous task. The host will have to leave the party and get stuck in the kitchen to make tea for quite some time - not nice! Solve this problem once and for all. Make tea before the guests arrive. You will need a good quality 2 litre Carafe (table flask). It will serve 12-14 cups.
  • Warm up the inside of the carafe with some hot water and pour the water out.   
  • Kettle ON > boil water.
  • Put 10 tea bags in the Carafe
  • Fill it half way with boiling water.
  • Add 1 can (400 ml) Evaporated milk (not condensed milk)
  • Add 1/2 cup sugar (optional)
  • Shake the carafe to combine everything and dissolve the sugar (if added)
  • Fill the Carafe with hot water > Close the lid > shake it again > leave it with the tea bags inside.
  • Just before serving give it another shake.
For informal parties have small styrofoam cups and ask the guests to sign the cups and save the earth! Let the guest help themselves with tea and sugar. For larger parties, you should have more than one carafe. Enjoy your party - you will thank me for this! If you are taking tea to picnic, no need to shake, just leave it in the car safely, the car will do it for you, by the time you reach your destination, you will have a flask full of fully infused divine tea.

Variations: for spice tea add some whole cinnamon, cardamon and cloves in the tea, but it may not be everyone's cup of tea!

PS. I found if you ask people how they like their tea, you are in trouble. You will need pen and paper like a waiter to write down all the specifics, with or without sugar, with or without milk, how much sugar, how much milk. Some may even ask for half cup of tea, or lemon or herbal and so on... don't ask, just show the flask!

Friday, 24 June 2016

Sponge Roshogolla

This is an urbanised version of traditional Roshogolla. It is less sweet and spongier  It is made with pure Channa, no additives. 

Make Channa (Cheese) 
This is the most important part, to make soft Channa. 2 litter milk will make about 360g Channa.

  • Bring to boil 2 litre (4 pints) full-cream Milk 
  • Once boiling > Add 1/4 c of vinegar (or lemon juice) > Stir slowly. (2 cups plain yogurt is better because you'll get more channa and no smell to wash off) 
  • As soon as the curd separates, drain using a cheese cloth on a strainer > run under cold water to wash off the vinegar smell (if used) and stop cooking, but don't wash for too long, because that will wash off the fat content. 
  • Squeeze out as much water as you can and leave it hanging or on the strainer for 4 hours. 
  • Add 2 pinch of Cardamon powder.  
  • Knead until all lumps are gone and feels smooth. 
  • Make 24 balls 

Make Syrup:
  • Use a wide enough pot (Karhai is better) to allow room for Rosogollas to expand, because they will become double in size.  
  • Add 2 cups Sugar + 8 cups Water (1:4 ratio) + 1 tbsp Milk(it's very important, it creates the foam over the syrup that engulf the balls ensuring they are cooked all way around. 
  • Bring to boil > Add the balls > Lid on > let them boil on high temperature for 30 mins. The syrup should be continuously bubbling
  • After 30 minutes add 1 cup of boiling hot water gradually > Cover and boil for another 10 minutes.
  • Turn the heat off and leave to cool 

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Kachchi Biryani

There are mainly 2 kinds of Biryani; Kacchi, where meat is raw and Pakki where meat is pre-cooked. Biryani is the ultimate party food. But let's be honest, it's not a diet food!

Kachci Biryani: (Rule of thumb is rice should always be half of meat by weight)

Marinade 1 kg meat (lamb or mutton) in:  1/4 cup Oil + 2 tbs my Biryani Masala (3 tbs if you like extra zingy) + 2 tbs Yogurt + 1 tbs Garlic paste + 1 tb Ginger paste + 2 tsp Salt + Fresh Lemon Juice 2 tbs, > 1 hour (longer the better)

Dilute pinch of Saffron in 1c Hot milk + 4 tb Rose Water > Set aside.

Sultana (golden raisins) 1/2 c + Cashew 1/2 c (if you or your children, like mine, don't like raisins and nuts > Blend them into paste with some yogurt. > Set asid

Rice: Wash and soak 1/2 kg Basmati Rice in water for 30 mins

When ready to cook:

Place marinaded meat in the pot. Meat should cover the bottom of the pot fully

Add 1/2 kg Basmati rice in boiling water + 1tb salt + 2 tb oil > boil untill 75% done (about 8-10 mins)

Drain and Spread the rice over the meat
Mix the Sultana and Cashew paste with the rice.
Sprinkle the Saffron Milk & RW mix over the rice.
Optional: Drop some yellow or Orange food colour over the rice.

Seal the pot with Aluminium foil, put the lid on, this stage is called DUM. That's why in Hyderabad they call it Dum Biryani.

Place a 'Tawa' or a diffuser on the burner > put the pot on > turn the heat on and down to bare minimum heat > leave for 1 hour.

After 1 hour turn the heat off but leave it covered for another hour.

Biryani is done! Just spread plenty (1 cup) of Fried Onion (Self-made or store bought) on the rice and lightly mix the rice with the meat at the bottom.

Variations: for Pakki Biryani just pre-cook the meat, rest of the process is same but reduce the DUM time to 30 mins. For extra flavour and richness sprinkle some melted GHEE (clarified butter) over. You can also add Mint / Coriander leaves, shredded lemon or lime skin. You can also add potatoes. Coat the potatoes with some turmeric powder and fry lightly and push them down in the rice.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Stuffed Tomatoes in Daal (Lentil soup)

This is my take on one of the most popular Mediterranean dishes.

Hot pan > 2 tbs Oil + 1 chopped Onion + chopped Garlic + 1/2 tsp Salt > Fry
Add 1 cup minced meat + 1 tsp Curry Powder > Fry
Add 1/2 cup cooked rice + Seasoning (OXO or Bullion cubes) to taste + 1 tbs Yogurt > Cook for 10 min

Sauce: Daal (Lentil soup) 1 cup red lentil + 3 cups water + 1 ts salt + 1 veg stock cube > bring to boil and simmer for 20 mins.

6 large Tomatoes > Chop the top off  > remove the inside with a spoon > Sit them in a dish tightly.
Fill the tomatoes with stuffing. > use the chopped top of the tomatoes as lid > Pour the sauce around the tomatoes.

Bake 180c/30min

Garnish with Fried Onion & Garlic and Coriander leaves or chopped green onion.

Variation: Use Stuffed Peppers (Bell Pepper / Pepsicum) instead of Tomato. You can use any soup of your choice instead of Daal.

Basic Chicken Curry

This is a simple Chicken Curry. Once you learn this you will be able to cook meat or fish curry. When I taught my children to cook, I told them the same, learn the chicken curry first then you can cook Chicken or Meat Curry, Bhuna or Kalia (with potato). There are lots of other variations too, see below.  In my recipes I use minimum amount of oil and Onion. Remember more onion you use, more oil you will need.

  • Heat the pot
  • Add 3 tbs OIL + 1 cup chopped ONION or onion paste* + 1 tsp SALT (or to your taste) > Fry for 5 mins
  • Add 1 tbs GARLIC paste* + 1 tbs GINGER paste* > cook for another 5 mins
  • Add 1/2 cup water + 2 tsp CURRY POWDER* > cook for 5 mins
  • Add 1 kg CHICKEN > cook for 5 mins turning them over couple of times.
  • Add 1 cup water > bring to boil
  • Cover the pot
  • Reduce heat to minimum and simmer for 40 mins (use a timer) 

After 40 mins, turn the heat off > Chicken curry is done!

* See TIPS page

For variations you can do any of the following:

  • Add 2 tbs Yogurt
  • Add 1 tsp of Chicken or Vegetable seasoning, but as they contain salt, you will have to adjust the amount of salt.
  • Add 1 cup Coconut milk (Malai curry) instead of water.
  • Add Coriander leaves (towards the end)
  • Add Potato (Kalia curry) or vegetable of your choice (1/2 kg) before last 30 mins.
  • Add Shatkora (type of lemon or just use orange peel)
  • You can use Meat or Fish instead of chicken, Meat needs more cooking time (60 mins minimum). Fish needs less cooking time (15-20 mins) For Fish curry, do not use GINGER because ginger is a tenderiser, don't need for fish.  

* If you like thicker curry, take the lid off for last 15 mins and reduce the sauce. For more oily or spicy curry just increase the amount of spice and oil.
* If you are going to add vegetables, You will need more oil, spice, salt & water.

To cook Chicken Bhuna, just use BIRIYANI MASALA (see TIPS page) instead of Curry powder, rest of the process is same.

Monday, 20 June 2016


Make your own basic curry powder: Mix equal quantities of powdered Turmeric, Coriander, Cumin, Chilli (mild or hot), Paprika. If you like it hot > increase the amount of Chilli; if you like it red > increase the amount of Paprika.

If you dont want to do that your next best choice is to buy one of the Mixed Curry Powder available in Asian shops in UK. I found the Pakistani Bassar Curry Powder is the best, it's not too hot and it has good colour. Bangladeshi Radhuni or other curry powder is also good if you like it hot. 

​Children and many adults hate biting into whole spices. Store-bought biriyani masala contains whole spices. You can use a spice/coffee grinder to grind them into powder. 

Better alternative is to make your own by mixing the indicated portion of powdered spices below, they will keep for a long time:

Cumin. 1
Cinnamon. 1
Cardamon. 1
Bay leaf powder. 1
Black paper 1
Nutmeg 1
Mace. 1
Coriander 1
Optional: Meat seasoning 1

If you are very sensitive, like me, this is how to deal with onion:

  1. Soak peeled onion in warm water for couple of hours before chopping.
  2. Or chop them using a small fan blowing the air away from you.
  3. To make onion pulp > put fresh onions in the freezer > defrost frozen onion > peel > blend.
Use paste widely available in Asian shops or in some supermarkets. I like the frozen ones. They smell better than those in jars with preservatives added.

Later I will only use the Curry Powder or Biriyani Masala for most Indian simple and student-friendly recipes; you wont have to rummage through your cupboard to find this and that, grind that, chop that and so on, oh no! Where possible, I do away with all kind of measurements, instead I use 'cups & spoons'.

My recipes will require minimum skill and time in the kitchen. I am not a chef, and I don't intend to make anyone a chef either, just simple fuss-free cooking to enjoy yourself or with friends.

My blog is not for accomplished cooks, rather it is to help those who has an interest in cooking, but struggles like the student's just moved to uni, far away from mom's (or dad's) cooking!

If you are on diet of just health conscious but love curries. Use a slotted spoon to serve yourself, you will avoid the sauce with salt and oil. Use a fork to eat, that will make you eat slowly. 

Sunday, 19 June 2016


Tiramisu is a very popular  Italian dessert. It is made with layers of spongy biscuits and a creamy mix made of egg yolk, sugar, cream and Mascarpone cheese; usually flavored with coffee and an alcoholic liquor. My version is non-alcoholic.  

Vital ingredients like Sponge-fingers, Mascarpone cheese (a creamy soft Italian cheese) and coca powder may not be available in some parts of the world. I will give you improvising ideas later at the bottom, let me give you the authentic recipe first. As always there are many recipes, mine is simple and non-alcoholic without compromising the taste.

  • Coffee
  • Sponge fingers
  • Whipping cream 300 ml (1.25 cup)
  • Eggs - 6
  • Mascarpone cheese 250 gm (as it comes in the container)
  • Coca Powder 2-3 tbsp
Make Coffee
1 tbsp coffee + 1c hot water > let cool in a bowl (you can increase or decrease the strength to suit your taste, but can't omit it, if you don't like coffee, may be this is not for you!)

Make Zabaione: (don't panic, it is basically egg yolks and sugar cooked over hot water. Zabaione is a Italian dessert on it’s own. Once you learn how to make it, you will be able to use it in a lot of desserts as a layer or topping.

Mix 6 egg yolks + â…” cup sugar with a whisk in a glass bowl. (an electric hand mixer or whisk will make your life easier, but you don't have to have it) Bring some water to simmer in a pot, place the bowl on the pot, the simmering water should just touch the bottom of the bowl. Immediately start whisking (otherwise you will get scrambled egg) until it becomes foamy white and forms a soft peak when you lift the whisk > remove from the hot water pot and set aside to cool down completely. 

Make Whipped Cream: Whip 300 ml double cream (or whipping cream) + 3 tbs Icing Sugar + 1 tsp vanilla until forms soft peak.

Make Meringue (optional)
Classic Tiramisu is made without meringue, but it will make it light and add volume.
6 Egg whites +  6 tbsp sugar > Whip to soft peak.

Whip Mascarpone Cheese (about 1 cup) > Whisk to make a smooth paste

Make the layer mix: Fold in Zabayone + Whipped cream + Mascarpone cheese and Meringue (if using).

  • Quickly dunk the Sponge fingers one by one in cold coffee, let ir soak the coffee for few seconds (if you take too long the sponge fingers will become soggy and break) > place them on the bottom of the dish to make the first layer. 
  • Spread half of the mix over the sponge fingers, give the dish a shake for the mix to settle.  
  • Add another layer of dunked sponge fingers over.
  • Spread the remaining mix on top > shake again.
  • Let set in fridge for few hours.
  • Dust with cocoa powder before serving, place some coca powder in a fine sieve and shake it over the dish (you can make impressive pattern by placing any interesting light objects on the top layer before dusting and then carefully lift them up to leave a white impression)
  • Use any ordinary thin arrowroot biscuits or thin slices of sponge cakes in place of Sponge-fingers.
  • Use cream cheese (Philly Cheese) in place of Mascarpone. If no cream cheese is available, double the Zabayone.
  • Use Ovaltine or Hot Chocolate powder if Coca powder is not available.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

​Vapa Doi (Steamed Yogurt)

  • Plain yogurt. 2 cups
  • Sweetened condensed milk. 1 can
  • Evaporated milk* 2 cans
mix it all up.
  • Preheat the Oven to 170c 
  • Place the dish in Waterbath*. 
  • Place the dish in the middle of the oven for 30 mins. 
  • After 30 mins, take it out of oven and out of the waterbath and let cool.
  • Chill in the fridge.
  • Garnish with chopped pistachios before serving.

*Evaporated milk is also known as Carnation milk. If not available, just use 600 ml milk + 200 ml cream.

*Water-bath (Bain Marie): Place the dish inside larger baking tray (uncovered) > fill the tray with hot water and bring the water about half way up the side of the dish. 

Mango Cheese Pudding

Yogurt cheese mix::
1 cup icing sugar + 3 cups thick yogurt (or hung curd*)  + 2c Philly cheese (or cottage cheese) > Whisk

Mango gelatine mix:
1 tb gelatine powder diluted + 1 cup mango pulp + 1 tsp pure vanilla extract > Bring to boil

Yogurt cheese mix + Mango Gelatine mix > bring to boil

Pour in dish > Cool and chill.

Mango Glaze Topping:
1 cup m pulp + 1/4c sugar + 1/2 lemon juice + 1ts diluted gelatin powder > Bring to boil > Cool n chill

Spread over the pudding and sprinkle some sugar.

* Hung Curd: Leave curd on a sieve over a bowl in the fridge overnight. 

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Sticky Rice with Mango

This is my take on the most popular dessert of Thailand, this will be better - trust me!

Cook 2c Sticky rice + 3c water > pour the rice in a large dish, > spread evenly > press down > let cool

Mango curd:
2c Mango pulp + 1 lemon juice + 1/2 c Sugar + pinch of salt + 1/4 c butter + 4 egg yokes (beaten) > Whisk & Cook on medium heat. > Spread over the rice > Let cool > Chill in fridge.

Double Cream: 600 ml (2.5 c) + icing sugar 1/2 c >  whip to soft peak and spread over chilled mango curd over rice > Chill

Garnish with crushed pistachio.

​Egg Pudding (Egg Custard/Caramel Custard)

A  slice of heaven
This is the most popular dessert in the western world. It's origin is French. In Asia it is called Egg Pudding, in the West it is Egg Custard or Caramel Custard. Basically it is steamed custard. It's very easy to go wrong. If it is hard and dry - it's a bad one and I had many bad ones! It's richer version is called 'Crème brûlée', where cream and egg yokes are used instead of milk and whole eggs, also they have a hard caramel crust. I will add that recipe later. For now, this is how to make soft, wobbly, moist & velvety smooth 'egg pudding'.

  1. Eggs 8 
  2. Milk 2 cups
  3. Sugar 1.5 cup
  4. Salt 1tsp
  5. Vanilla 1/2 tbsp. 
Add 1/2 cup sugar in pan > heat on > melt to golden brown >
Pour in the dish > let it cover the bottom > set aside
This is how the dish should look with caramel.

Make Custard:
  • Mix 8 Eggs + 1 cup sugar (more or less to suit your taste)
  • In a separate bowl add Milk + Vanilla + Salt > mix gently with a hand whisk. 
  • Add the milk gradually into the egg-sugar mix while gently stirring continuously until sugar is dissolved. 
  • Pour the mix in the dish with caramel at the bottom through a sieve to catch any egg solids.
  • Water-bath  (Bain Marie): Place the dish inside larger baking tray > fill the tray with hot water and bring the water about half way up the side of the dish. This is very important, don't skip it or your pudding will turn out like a cake!
  • Oven: Preheat the oven to 150c Place in the middle of the oven for 45 minutes (depending on oven, once you made it few times you will know the correct timing). You can test it after one hour by pushing a skewer or a small knife through the middle. If it comes comes out dry and clean, it's done.  
  • When the time is up, get the dish out > cool > chill in the fridge
To Serve: Run a knife around the edges, put a plate on top of the dish and be brave > quickly turn it upside down. Slide the dish up and away.

  1. Electric blender or vigorous whisking will make the mix foamy and the pudding won't be smooth)
  2. To make extra rich replace half of the milk with cream.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

​Floating Island (Iles Flottante)

This is a French dessert. Basically it is soft poached meringue floating on custard. It will need some practice, particularly with the caramel cage.

Make Lemon meringue: 6 Egg Whites + Lemon juice 1 wedge  + 1/2 cup Powdered (icing) Sugar > Whisk until it increases in volume and forms a peak when you lift up the whisk. (use a electric whisk if possible) 
  • Oil the inside of small cups (you will need about 8-10 cups)
  • Spoon the meringue into the cup (half full)
  • Microwave for 15 sec to 20 sec (depending on the power of your micro)
  • The meringue will puff up like souffle. 
Make Custard (Creme Anglaise)
  • in a medium size saucepan mix 6 Egg yolks + 1/2 cup Sugar. 
  • Heat up 2 cups of Milk (you can use micro-wave, takes about 2 mins)
  • Add the hot milk gradually to the egg-sugar mix, while stirring
  • Add 1 tsp Vanilla
  • Turn the heat on medium and bring the mix to simmer (keep stirring)
  • As soon as it starts to simmer, (you will feel the liquid is thickening) turn the heat off.
Pour the custard on a serving plate.
Gently bring the soft meringue from the cup, place in the middle of the custard upside down,

Caramel Cage:
  • You need the cage to cover the meringue, so pick an appropriate size glass or metal bowl.
  • Lightly oil the back of the bowl with some oil. Place it on a baking paper upside down. 
  • Melt 1 cup of sugar in a saucepan on low heat, as soon as the sugar melts and turn slightly golden, turn the heat off.
  • Pick up some caramel with a spoon and drizzle the hot caramel sauce around the bowl.
  • Let it cool down and trim the edges and lift it up with your hand and place over the meringue on custard.
To make it easier: If you find it's too challenging to make the custard, just use some cream mixed with icing sugar and vanilla. 

Instead of making individual servings, you can make a party dish. Pour all the custard on a large dish, place all the meringues in the custard and instead of cage you can drizzle the caramel sauce on it.

​Mango Parfait

​Mango Parfait

Mango: 1 fresh mango pulverised in blender

Sabayon: 4 egg yolks + ¼c sugar > make 'Sabayon' (see note) > Chill

Whipped cream: 300ml Double Cream + 2 tb icing sugar > whip to soft peak
  • Fold in with Sabayon
  • layer with mango
  • Garnish with shredded lemon skin or chopped pistachios
Sabayon: Sabayon is the French name for zabaglione, a light, mousse-like Italian dessert that's made by whisking eggs & sugar over gently boiling water until the eggs thicken but do not scramble.

​Bread & Butter Pudding

Bon Appetit

It's a classic English dessert, very simple to make. If you follow the recipe carefully for first time, you can't go wrong and next time you will be able to make it blind folded (don't try it)!


  • Good quality white bread medium 12 slices
  • Crust off
  • Butter the slices, cut each slice into 2 triangles
  • 600ml double cream (or any cream) + 1cup milk > Bring to boil in Microwave (10 min) 
  • Add vanilla 1tsp + Salt. 1/2 tsp
    Finished dish
  • Mix 8 egg yolks + 1 cup sugar in a separate large bowl
  • Pour hot milk on egg-sugar mix slowly as you whisk
  • Butter the dish
  • Layer bread + sultanas (1/2c)
  • Pour  the custard over bread 
  • Press the bread down and leave to let the bread soak for 1 hour
  • Cover lightly with a tin foil 
Water bath: Place the dish inside a larger dish or baking tray, fill the tray with hot water up to half the height of the inner dish.
Using a blow torch

Preheated Oven:180c for 20mins. 

Bing it out and let cool and then chill in fridge.

Caramel Crust: Just before serving, spread generous amount of sugar (caster sugar will melt quickly) on top and melt with a blowtorch or under grill for few minutes until sugar is melted.
Just out of oven

Saffron Rice

One can trace it's roots to Parsia, from where it came to India with Mughals. It is also called Jafran Jarda or Sweet Rice and traditionally served in Muslim weddings as dessert. Quite often the rice become hard once cold. If you follow this recipe, it will remain soft.


  • Soak 2 cups of Basmati Rice for 30 mins
  • Boil 6 cups water + 1/2 tsp orange food colour
  • Add soaked rice > boil for 10 mins
  • Drain the water
  • Melt 1/2 cup Oil + 1/2 cup Ghee (clarified butter)
  • Add elachi (cardamon) powder 1/2 tsp + Rose water 4 tbs + Saffron + lemon juice 1 tbsp + sugar 2 cup + Water 1/2 cup > melt
  • Add fruits, sultana, nuts, cherries, dry Murobba (or candied pinaple chunks) etc.
  • Mix Rice & Syrup together
  • Close the lid and cook in very low heat (dum) for 30 mins
  • Pour the rice in the serving dish > Cool
Add Khoya or powdered Mozzarella or Grana Padano cheese and mix > cool.

You can serve as it is but if you add a layer of whipped cream it will raise it to a different level. Keep some saffron rice aside. Whip some cream to just soft peak (if you add un-whipped cream, it will just sink under the rice) > spread over the rice, sprinkle the remaining rice, some nuts and some shredded 'Khoya' or some powdered Mozzarella or Padano cheese over & serve.

Tropical Island

This is an incredibly refreshing dessert with tropical fruits in yogurt and cream. It is also very easy to make, no cooking involved!

20 Servings.


  • Jelly 2 packets
  • Sweetened condensed milk 1 can
  • Cream 600 ml
  • Greek yogurt 600 ml
  • Lychee 2 cans 
  • Pineapple chunks 1 can
  • Crushed pineapple 1 can
  • Mandarin orange 1 can
  • Pomegranate 1   

  • Make the jelly (store bought jelly mix, Veg & Halal available), pick vibrant colour, preferably red, green or yellow) to go in the middle as an island,  follow the instruction on the packet, pour in the mould & let it set. for added kick I add some sugar and lemon juice to taste.
  • Whip 600 ml (about 2.5 cups) cream (or whipping cream) to as thick as you can get.
  • Lightly fold in equal amount of Greek yogurt or thick yogurt. (You can thicken any yogurt by leaving it to drain on a fine sieve in the fridge overnight) 
  • Add 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • Add drained canned or fresh tropical fruits (mango, lychees, pineapple) > mix
  • Place the jelly in the middle of the serving dish.
  • Spoon the fruit mixture around it and put it in the fridge for few hours for the fruit mixture to set.
  • Garnish with some fresh fruit on top, I used canned Mandarin oranges, Pomegranate (Dalim / Anar) seeds sprinkled over.
To serve: Plant some bamboo leaves (if you have) in the jelly before serving.

Riz au Lait

Riz au lait

(French version of rice pudding)
  • 4 ltr milk
  • 1c arborio rice
  • 1c sugar
  • Pinch of salt.
  • Vanilla 1tb. (or Darchini/Elachi)
  • Bring to boil
  • Simmer for 1 hour
  • Add 1 egg yolk & mix
0ven 150c/30min (uncovered)

Let cool
Sugar Crust: Sprinkle sugar on top. Melt sugar with a blow torch, if you have, or place under a grill.